Almost every manufacturing company requires the rough surfaces on their manufactured small parts to be smoothed and polished. Regardless of the industry or the job at hand, using the right media for the desired finish is paramount to ensuring a quality finish. ISO Finishing offers a wide array of media solutions for any process.
To the outsider, all tumbling media might look the same; however, the type of material in question and type of finishing required plays a part in choosing the best media for the job.
For example, plastic or synthetic media is often the best choice for deburring soft metals such as aluminum and brass. When the job calls for general metal removal, descaling, or fast and heavy cutting, ceramic is typically the media of choice. Porcelain media, when combined with burnishing has the unique ability to provide the final finish to many metal products. For those products requiring the ultimate luster and sheen, processing the parts in our custom blend of corn cob and additives is the proven solution.
At ISO Finishing, we stock not only plastic and ceramic but also porcelain, stainless, synthetic, and organic medias such as corncob or walnut. We carry a variety of shapes as well including:
The quality of any surface finish is the result of the correct tumbling media and compounds processed in the right equipment. Reach out to the team at ISO Finishing and we’ll use our 35+ years of experience in manufacturing to help you define your specific media requirements.