Simply put, the tumbling process creates smooth and polished surfaces on manufactured parts, removing unwanted and unsightly defects and rough surfaces. Also known as mass finishing or harperizing, high-energy tumbling uses centrifugal barrel finishing (CBF) equipment to efficiently process large quantities of parts in any material type.
Parts are placed in barrels mounted on a turret along with tumbling media, water, and surfactant. The turret spins in one direction at a set speed creating centrifugal force –while the contents of the barrels slide against each other in the opposite direction. The action of the media and parts in the barrel create a uniform, isotropic surface finish.
Depending upon part size and material type, the CBF finishing process is approximately one-third the time of vibratory finishing and more quickly than hand processing, saving both time and money.
The tumble process provides a consistent and repeatable production finish on parts as small as 3mm3 to as large as 8” x 8” x 24”.
CBF tumbling deburrs, eliminates sharp edges, deburrs drill holes, and improves overall surface roughness.
CBF equipment is capable of servicing large quantities of parts at a time, as well as quantities of very small items. Parts can be processed in a batch process or segregated to mitigate part impingement. Due to the unique characteristics of each part, different methods of tumble finishing can be used to provide the highest quality result.
While both vibratory and high-energy tumbling processes use tumbling media and surfactant to produce smooth, durable and polished finishes that successfully extend the lifespan of parts, the biggest difference is the amount of time required to achieve the same result.
ISO Finishing is a tumbling process expert, specializing in micro-precision surface improvement. We serve every industry with innovative finishing solutions, industry-leading delivery times and exceptional customer service.
The best way to show you how our finish will be your finish it to process your sample. Let us show you what we can do.