Choosing the Right Media for Surface Finishing

Choosing the Right Media for Surface Finishing

Media choices play a significant role in the properties of each alloy and how it affects them during the finishing process. Media is commonly used for vibratory tumbling and produces an altered appearance or finish to another material or part to meet exact finishing...

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What is Deburring?

What is Deburring?

Burrs, which are a ridge or area of roughness, typically occur when the material used to create the part is cut, or pieces of the material are removed. Methods such as welding, molding, casting, and shearing tend to cause sharp, bumpy edges that affect part...

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What is Part Impingement?

What is Part Impingement?

Originally developed as a process for deburring, mass finishing has greatly impacted the manufacturing world to produce uniform, high-quality parts faster and at a lower production cost. As mass finishing has evolved with equipment, media, and technology advancements,...

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